Lawrence Schau Jr.

CEO + Chief Creative Officer



Fine Artist

Lawrence Schau Jr. ▽ CEO + Chief Creative Officer ▽ Bowler ▽ Runner ▽ Fine Artist ▽

Lawrence Schau Jr.

CEO + Chief Creative Officer


Years of Experience


Founded KAL

Lawrence is KAL’s CEO, Founder, and Chief Creative Officer. He serves as the lead brand and marketing strategist.

A 16-year industry veteran, Lawrence is a multi-disciplined designer and a fine artist who blends his diverse business, technologic, and marketing acumen with his creative capabilities. This has enabled him to impact brands and businesses across an array of sectors that include fashion eyewear, technology, law, hospitality, and healthcare.

In 2019, Lawrence launched KAL Design Co. with a vision of changing the agency–client imbalance that exists within the marketing and advertising industry. With a fundamental belief that design is about realizing what is possible, he has made relationships, inclusivity, and partnerships key drivers of how KAL operates everyday with the brands it is responsible for growing.

Lawrence is a graduate from Monmouth University where he earned a BA in Graphic Design with a concentration in Computer Graphics and Fine Art.

Brand Strategy


Brand Identity Systems

Creative Strategy

Digital Marketing

Environmental Design